The best part is each of your team members can sign up for differing activities if they choose, and still all be on the same team! Being on a team is about camaraderie, team spirit, friendly competition, and fellowship, especially when you meet back at your tent and share stories, laugh together, and enjoy the day! Se sure to reserve your team tent by the deadline so you'll have a common place to meet and greet upon arrival, grab some water and snacks throughout the day, and relax and get refreshed in the shade with your team mates when you need a break from the sun. 

You can rent your tent on the form below (sorry, no pop-up tents permitted), or, if you hustle and grow your team to 50 or more, you can get your team tent for FREE!


20+ members on your team = FREE TEAM SHIRT in your choice of color.

50+ members on your team = TEAM NAME PRINTED on the back of your shirts, plus a TEAM BANNER, and a FREE TEAM TENT for the day!​

TEAM SHIRT CUT OFF DATE: Friday, April 19, 2025.

If qualifications are met for a team color and/or personalized team shirts, members who wish to receive a team shirt must be registered by Friday, February 23, 2024. Note that online registration remains open for other members to join, however they will not receive a team shirt if they miss the deadline.

TEAM TENT RESERVATION DEADLINE: Friday, Friday, April 26, 2025.

TEAM CAPTAINS: Click the GREEN BUTTON above to access your Headquarters (HQ) called "My Events". This is where you can see who, and how many people joined your team, as well as communicate with them via email directly from the platform. You can also invite others to join your team, and share on your social media, too! Just click the button above and sign in using the credentials you registered with. To see individual names and email addresses, click the TEAM INFO button inside your HQ.

Be sure to use ALL the tools available to you both in your HQ, as well as below. The bigger your team is, the more perks you get! (And that means, the more at-risk youth we'll be able to serve!)



It's time to bring your friends, family and co-workers together to enjoy a day of camaraderie, fitness, and fun for a great cause. There are many activities at BiG Cardio including a 5K run / walk, fitness classes, sports tournaments, and even a prayer walk around the lake! And new this year, we've added Team Competitions on the Obstacle Course!! Team Captains will select their top few members to compete for the fastest time to get through the course while the rest of the team cheers them on from their Team Tent, and the audience cheers from the stands! The top team will win inaugural bragging rights and a trophy to go along with it. (Please refer to the home page for more details about the Obstacle Course Team Competitions). Plus there is entertainment, games, activities, booths, food, and a fun zone too! The event is for all ages and there's truly something for everyone!

teen benefits, wellness program, team sprint
arguably the most important tool in your tool box!

corporate run, corporate teams


rent team tent
sports, event, cardio, 5k run, prayer walk
team captains, team tents, team building
register team, participate

​These tips will help you build the biggest team and be the most amazing Team Captain in the universe!

1. Click the button above and Sign-In / Sign-Up. 

2. Choose the activities you would like to participate in.

3. THEN, after a few questions you'll be prompted to START A TEAM, JOIN A TEAM, or participate as an INDIVIDUAL. 

​Big Cardio benefits Charity
meet corporate
objectives & goals
how to register your team
earn fundraising gifts
team benefits and wellness program
foster teens, foster kids, youth

The cards are 10-up on the page, both front and back. Just load card stock in your printer, print side one, flip over to the back, and reload the printer using the copies you just printed, and print the back side of the cards. They're already properly aligned so you just have to cut them apart and you'll be ready to start recruiting your members. Remember, the competition is stiff for building the largest BiG Cardio team. To date, the record is 133 members! Good luck!!

pickleball, volleyball, 5k run, soccer, basketball, cycling, kids zone
team competitions, company tents, team captain

TEAM RECRUITMENT TOOLS - Just click the thumbnails below to access pdfs that you can print out from your home or office.

We want to help you grow the biggest team possible! Why? Because more participants translates to more money being raised, which means we can serve even more at-risk youth!!

We've made it simple for you. Just click on any/all the thumbnails you want, and download whatever tools you need. If you'd rather have a hard copy kit, give us a call and schedule a time to pick them up. Please be sure to call in advance so we can have them ready for you. (954) 933-3129